Thursday, March 20, 2014

It's been years since the departure of my baby Maple now.
I've grown.
I've move on.
I learn to love again.
Helping others, loving other cats.

Thank you my baby, thank you my ichiban, thank you for the love that you gave me during the eight months of your life. You will always be my little flower.

This page dedicated to my beloved Maple.
My story;

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

17 May.. Its been a long time since i lost my baby, my sweetheart. My precious Ichiban, my baby Maple.

Just now when i was browsing thru her pictures. I cried a little bit. How my life seems meaningless and unreasoned without her. I know i am being too much. You probably would think, afterall she is just a cat, how much can she could possibly touches my life?

I have no motivation to live this life without her anymore. It seems empty . If felt empty. I miss her, so much. When i was taking my bath, i saw her there, accompany me like she used to be. When i am taking my meal, i saw her walking around my plate or bowl, sniffing what am i eating although she won't eat what i'm eating. Even when im going to the toilet, flushing away, there i saw her again.

Being a pathetic shit i am now. I wish. I could stop thinking of her. But I'm scared, if i try not to forget about her and what if someday the world will about forget her?

Hurts. She's missed. Some things can't be undone. How i wishes she is here beside me, where i can take care of her, love her, and just to be with her. again.

Be well my dearest maple. Wherever you are now, you will always be in my heart.

I love you my baby.